Make a donation.
Over the past decade we have seen significant changes in how money is used in our society. Young adults and families, especially, are relying more on online and mobile giving, and are now using credit and debit cards for most transactions.
At Grace Baptist Church, we recognize this trend and are happy to announce that electronic giving is now available to our church family.
We have partnered with a company called Planning Center Online to facilitate our online and mobile giving. Planning Center is a secure giving platform used by churches around the country. They have created the tools that will allow you to quickly and securely make donations to Grace.
To get started with online giving, simply select the dollar amount of your gift, select whether you would like it to be a one-time or recurring gift, enter your payment information, click “Confirm”, and you’re done. No technical expertise required!
Whether or not these new giving options will be helpful for you, we want to do all we can to help each one of us lead lives of generosity as exemplified by Paul’s exhortation in 2 Cor. 9:7 - “Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”