Fuel is the ministry of Grace Baptist Church that is specially designed to help in the discipleship of students from 7th grade to 12th grade.  We meet Sunday mornings from 9:30 to 10:30 am and Sunday nights from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

Sunday mornings we spend the hour sharing prayer requests and studying God’s Word together in a group.  Each week we look at what God is saying through the Bible to each of us and leave challenged on how to better live our lives for Him

                  Sunday nights begin with a game or activity at 6:00 pm. We end the night by breaking out into small groups where we share deeper what our prayer requests are, how God is working in our lives, and getting to know one another at a deeper level.

                  As with all our activities you are welcome to join us and bring anyone and everyone.  We also have special events on a monthly basis and some special yearly activities.  Please check our church calendar on our website, Facebook, Twitter, our church newsletter and bulletin for more information.  Each month we have events called NEFA’s (Non Educational Fun Activities) Yeah we know it’s a strange name but honestly it sums it up.  It is a relaxed time where we do various activities together just to get to know one another better.  We also have other activities like Snow Camp, Summer Camp Out, and other yearly events that we participate in together.


                  So please take some time to check us out and get to know what the students at Grace Baptist Church are doing.  We’d be excited to have you join us.